Nobody Cares: StartUp Rule #1

Patrick Hanlon
6 min readMar 24, 2023
Over 90% of startups fail because they do not pivot from being meaningless to becoming meaningful

There is a lot of positive energy, excitement and passion that surrounds startups and fresh entrepreneurs who have a vision of how they can impact the planet according to their own slant on the world.

Truth is, nobody cares.

Not really. Sure, your mentor may care. Your spouse may care. Your startup investors may even care — a little (but remember they have other startup investments to protect them in case you run aground). But even your mother is secretly hoping that you will find a good job with a health plan.

This is commonly referred to as, Against all odds.

In fact, most people are expecting you to fail.

Perhaps even hoping you will fail, so you get pulled back into the dronefield.

As king-of-melancholy rock singer Morrissey croons:

We hate it when our friends become successful…If we can destroy them, bet your life we will destroy them.

This is not pessimistic or negative. It is realistic. 90% of new products fail, not because they aren’t better, more innovative or even disruptive, but because they have not clearly articulated their reason for being or attached themselves to people in ways that make them care.



Patrick Hanlon

Author of “Primal Branding,” “The Social Code,” writer on Forbes, Medium, Inc., East Hampton Star. Founder